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Deion water purifier - Ultra clean water filtration technology

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Deion water purifiers are used in fields such as laboratories, experiments, and general clinics such as washing surgical instruments, steaming and drying examination instruments.

  • Deion water purifiers are used in fields such as laboratories, experiments, and general clinics such as washing surgical instruments, steaming and drying examination instruments.

    What is deion water?

    Deion water, also known as ultra-pure water, is water produced by distillation and ion exchange. After being filtered through the deion water filter system, the water will not contain any impurities.

    Depending on the filtration method of each type of filter, and depending on each usage need, deion water is divided into 3 different types:

    The water is super clean, not contaminated with any dissolved impurities, ionic substances, or organic substances. This deion water is the water with the most stringent requirements
    Water is distilled several times or reverse osmosis then distilled. Water is still contaminated with a very small number of ions, inorganic or organic
    Single distilled, deionized water is used in laboratories for routine experiments.

    Technical specifications of Deion water purifier

    Máy lọc nước Deion công nghệ lọc nước siêu sạch

    Deion water purifier also known as ultra clean water purifier, some techniques of ultra clean water purifier include:

    Input pressure: 0-6 bar
    Machine used at temperature: 5-35 degrees Celsius
    The machine uses power source: 240Hz-50/60A
    Water filtration speed: 90 liters/1 hour
    The machine can operate continuously 24/7
    Weight: >20kg

    Operating principles, advantages and disadvantages of Deion water purifiers

    Currently, E&C Vietnam Environmental Technology Services Joint Stock Company is retailing and distributing two lines of deion water production machines: deion water purifiers using ion exchange materials and deion water purifiers using the deion method. Electrical deionization

    The operating principle of the deion water purifier uses ion exchange materials
    Structure of the machine

    Deion water purifier uses ion exchange filter material including the following main components:

    Coarse filter columns: Such as sand, gravel, manganese particles, and activated carbon filter columns are responsible for removing large impurities and heavy metals.
    High pressure pump: Provides water from the source to the deion purifier
    Force sensor and purifier control system operate
    RO membrane: Removes small sized impurities, inorganic and organic impurities
    Deion filter core system: The filter core contains ion exchange particles, which are responsible for removing all microscopic ion particles, obtaining deion water.
    Operational process

    Water is supplied from the source into the machine's water filtration system. After passing through the coarse filter columns and RO membranes, the water is almost completely removed from impurities, dirt, bacteria, etc. The water obtained after filtering is pure water, but a few microscopic ions remain. . At this time, the remaining ions are processed after passing through the filter system containing ion exchange particles. The water obtained is finally called deion water

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Water filtration speed is fast, the amount of water collected is large, suitable for industrial models
    Reasonable price
    Small amount of wastewater
    Easy to maintain and replace filter material
    Easy to transport, easy to install
    The disadvantage of deion water purifiers using ion exchange materials is the short filter replacement time

    The operating principle of the deion water purifier is by deionization using electricity

    Structure of the machine

    Similar to the deion water purifier made of deionized materials, the structure of the electric deion purifier also has the following components:

    Coarse filter columns include sand filter columns, gravel filter columns, activated carbon filter columns... used to remove heavy metals and large impurities.
    High pressure pump: Transports water from the source to the filter
    Filter control system
    Force sensors
    RO filtration system: RO filter membrane removes small sized impurities
    The deionization system uses electricity
    Operational process

    The high pressure pump will operate, supplying water from the source to the deion purifier. Water will pass through the filter cores of the crude filter column. Impurities, dirt, and heavy metals are retained. Water continues to be pumped through the RO filtration system. Here, remaining inorganic and organic impurities in the water will be filtered out. The resulting water is fed into an electrical deionization system. Based on the activities of the electrodes, all ions will be completely removed, yielding deion water for use.

    Advantages and disadvantages of electrical deionization method

    Fast water filtration speed
    Small amount of wastewater
    Easy to replace filter materials in the machine
    Easy to transport and install
    However, the machine has the disadvantage of being more expensive than water purifiers using ion exchange materials

    Being ultra-clean water, deionized water is widely used in laboratories requiring high water quality
    Used in pharmaceutical and medical industries. Prepare antiseptic salt solution, physiological saline, use to clean medical equipment, wash surgical instruments, steam and dry examination instruments.
    Used in the electronic components manufacturing industry

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