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Cation Purolite C100 resin

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Brand: UK
From China
Demineralization, salinity and water
Reduces water hardness due to Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions.
Used in softening systems, drinking water treatment, boiler feed water, aquaculture, food production, alcohol, beverage, pharmaceutical and many other fields.

  • PUROLITE C100 cation exchange resin is used to soften water, demineralize, use in softening systems, remove heavy metals in the treatment of drinking water, boiler feed water, aquaculture, and manufacturing. alcohol, beverage, pharmaceutical and many other industries.

    Technical Specifications - Download Catalog file HERE

    Origin: British factory in China
    Unit of measure: bag.
    Density: 850 g/Liter.
    Specification: 25 Liters/bag.
    Total exchange capacity: 2.0 meq/g min.
    Ionic form, supplied: Na.
    Water retention: 43-48%.
    Size: 16-40 mesh.
    Bulk density: 0.78 – 0.88 g/ml.
    pH: 0 – 14.
    Operating temperature, Na: 120°C max.
    Total (Na H): Maximum 8-10%.
    Regeneration concentration: NaCl: 8-10%- HCl: 4-5%.
    Flow rate: 4-6 m/hour.
    Contact time: 30-60 minutes.
    Washing flow speed: 10-20 m/hour.
    Operating flow rate: 10-45 m/hour.

    Characteristic features

    Purolite C100 resin replaces sodium ions when absorbing ions that cause water hardness such as calcium and magnesium. Plastic beads can be regenerated by using regular table salt. The amount of salt used for regeneration significantly affects the exchange rate of the resin.
    Purolite C-100 water softening resin is not only capable of eliminating iron and manganese ions by ion exchange; The plastic layer in the exchange column has the ability to filter suspended impurities.
    Meets the standards of the US Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA), clause 21 section 173.25, which stipulates that Purolite C-100 ion exchange resin is qualified for production.
    Purolite resin is a basic weak anion exchange resin. Weak anionic radicals are used to remove mineral acids, organic acids and other organic substances, as they are not as chemically stable as strong radical anions. PUROLITE C100 cationic resin resists organic pollution very well.
    Cation exchange resins have a cross-linked mesh, achieve high capacity and can soften water used in industry and water softeners.

    Application of Cation Purolite C100 resin

    Demineralizes, salts and softens water
    Reduces water hardness due to Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions.
    Used in softening systems, drinking water treatment, boiler feed water, aquaculture, food production, alcohol, beverage, pharmaceutical and many other fields.

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